Last Update: 02-SEP-2018

Part 2 - Roatan, Honduras / Cozumel Mexico and back to Tampa, Florida


We arrive at Roatan and rented a taxi from Victor Bodden. I had emailed him before the trip and he booked us. When we got there he already had a full van so he subcontracted to another guy, who was good. The vehicle was clean and new, and the entire day only cost $25/person. They took us around the island and to his home. Then to a beach/bar area and waited for us while I snorkeled. I recommend him!

Shipwreck in Dixon Cove.

A politician's house, who was quite successful.

Views as we head East on the island

Scenic overlook where you can buy souveniers

Bob and Sandy were our tablemates, from New Jersey. We visited Victor's house.

Termites in a tree right next to the house!

Jason, our Australian tablemate, wanted to adopt this dog.

Victor's wife and daughter manning the store. We bought locally grown vanilla.

Mary snorkels, while the rest drink beer!

Heading back towards the ship. Some of the views along the way

Time to walk around the town

Coxen Hole needs to be cleaned up! Diapers in the water, trash everywhere but beautiful snorkeling/diving on the other side of the island!

This looks real safe....

Yes, I want my house built over raw sewage

More views of Coxen Hole

Raft ??? Interesting use of 2 liter bottles

Views from the ship

Incoming plane into the airport

The pilot departing the cruise ship

Heading around the eastern end of the island.

Mainland Honduras ??? Land to the south east of Roatan

Sunset time

Again all alone

Excelent sunset

Doing laps on empty ship at 7 PM...

Looking up at the smoke from the ship at night

Trying to photograph the stars. Not great but you can see them

Its 8:30... Where is everyone ???

The navagiton systems has crashed... Who is driving the ship ??

One of the late night partys.


We landed in Cozumel and took a shore excursion to Muyil ruins on the mainland south of Tulum. They aren't as spectacular as Chichen Itza or as beautiful as Tulum, which sits above a spectacular beach, but these ruins were interesting. Trip was all day and included ferry, bus, guide, lunch and was reasonable in price.

The ferry left right next to our ship

Playa del Carman, where we met the bus and guide to head south Nice area, makes you wonder why they all want to come up to the states. But, then again I have been in interior Mexico, so I do know the reason. They even had Sams Clubs along the main road

Muyil Ruins

Mayans were much shorter...

We hiked in Sian Ka'an preserve, a place I'd dreamed of visiting for years. We walked the trails and saw lots of birds. We ended up at a research station where we met some French birders, who were watching butterflies on the shoreline. Would be nice to see the reserve by boat--lots of wetlands.


The ruins right in Playa del Carmen. Also, sink holes everywhere.

Playa del Carmen, where we caught the ferry to Cozumel. Everything was so busy that we got back to the ship well over an hour late. Another reason to take the ship sponsored tours as they will wait till everyone gets back.

We missed the sunset as we were in the ferry. We should have walked upon the deck.

The moon over Cancun. And all alone on the ship again... I love it !!

Taking photos of the stars from a moving ship. The glow of Cozumel fading behind us to the west.

Midnight buffet

The last days while heading back to Tampa

Our last full day at sea. Nice day but getting cooler as we head NE towards Tampa. Views around the ship and our last sunset.

All alone.

The lights of Tampa. Some peope were getting cell phone signals. We are appx. 70 miles away at 23:40

Driving home via Augusta. Making good time. By 12:30 we were in Georgia.

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