Last Updated: 19-AUG-2019

Property Fence projects 2003-2008

FALL 2005 / SPRING 2006


This fence was a 600 ft. one installed to define the South end of our property. This was to stop the cows and also helps the farmer who leases the property to know where the property line is.

We started with a big mess... Lots of poison ivy and pricker bushes. Also, this was on a steep hill so it limited my use of the front loader. So, much of the clearing had to be done by hand.

Using my old string to mark the line.

Posts set and the wire is up.

New gate set at an angle so I can enter / exit the property. Also, the marked poles are so the farmer can see the new fence over the corn.(new Barn Owl house mounted in a 20 ft. 6x6)


This fence was a 800 ft. one installed to define the western end of our property. I wanted to slow down the deer (which it does) and to make sure that any future neighbors on this side know where the line is.

Also, because the local farmers don't maintain there fences I have a good bit of cow trespassing from this side. Below was the event that really got me motivated to solve this problem. When you get a few dozen of them walking around your house... They can cause a great deal of damage.

Again, we started with a big mess... The previous owners were not into defining the property lines.

It took me a few days to get a ATV trail thru the mess.

Starting to get open. Almost ready to use a laser to find the property line

The ends in and the posts along the line.

We have wire !! Also, dumped dirt aling the line to try to deflect the water from my fields around the neighbors house.

Built up an area on the corner for critter / train watching.


This fence was a 900 ft. one installed to define the eastern end of our property. I wanted to slow down the deer (which it does) and to make sure that the local ATV riders know where to stop. I put a 10 mile solar charger on it to help the deer learn that its not fun to cross this.

Mary putting flagging on the fence to make it more visible

Started in the middle and ran the wire 500 feet one way and 400 the other.

Wire is not under tension yet

To slow down the deer. Used a 6 wire pattern. Bottom 3 electric then 2 ground and top electric. Lowest wire 6 in. Then 1 foot and every foot to 5 feet. Only the biggest deer can jump it. Most try to run through it and get zapped.

Back corner near the shooting area


JUN 2003

This fence was a 500 ft. one to stop deer from destroying small pine trees that we had planted and to slow them down from coming into the yard

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