Last Updated: 19-AUG-2018

Lower Pond 2004-2006

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SEP 2004 - OCT 2005

Because of the way that the water flows on the propery and the ice problems that I have at the bottom of the driveway I decided that I was going to make a large pond at the bottom of the driveway.

I needed dirt for other projects so I dug down where the future pond would go to see if I get some water. Passed the test. Surface water does move in this area.

NOV 2004 Worked on this when I have the time. By the end of November its starting to look like a pond.

DEC 2004 Another week and a bit more work. Views from the house and up towards the house

MAR 2005 Winter is over. Time to start digging again.

JUN 2005 A few more hours of work. Getting bigger

JUN 2005 Work continues

JULY 2005 We got 8+ inches of rain in a week. Was worried because I have no outflow. No problems except for some erosion along the unfinished walls.

JULY 2005 Mary is skipping stones on the property.

AUG 2005 Was down appx. 10 feet. Still no sign of any water. So, took the back-hoe and dug down 6 feet. found a thick layer of purple dirt.

AUG 2005 Getting to the desired depth and wall thickness.

Looking at the purple dirt. Close to 20 feet down and NO WATER

AUG 2005 Mary on the tractor in the hole. Yes, these little tractors can do some work. It just takes seat time.

SEP 2005 Time to install a grate in the driveway to divert the water into the pond. Also, this will bring water from a future well that will be drilled on the other side of the driveway. The well will be done if surface water does not support the pond water level.

OCT 2005 Done for 2005. In this photo it has appx. 5 feet of water. Next year I will reduce the angle of the slopes on the walls. Dig back into the hill a bit more and install a overflow. Not worried about filling it up as I figure I would need 30+ inches of rain in a short amount of time.

MAR 2007 Winter melt with frozen ground. All full. Too bad it did not stay this way for long. But, in time it will

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