Last Updated: 19-AUG-2018


This will stop the run-off from going down on RT-216 and causing major icing problems. I figure it will store 15 to 20 thousand gallons before it overflows into the future large pond at the bottom of the driveway. Also, it will allow the water to stay on our property helping our well and not running off.

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The upper pond in Sept. 2004. Its has become a major area critter stop for water

Our late Lab with with Baron and Cassie, the dogs belonging to the previous owners of the previous pristine estate that Ken and Mary keep changing without permission, as they don't read the fine print on the sales agreement. Update: as of AUG 2015 Ken & mary have lived here LONGER that the previous owners so all agreements are now void.

Getting ready to install the over-flow pipe

The mud hole

UPDATE: Got the upper wall done in JUL.

We had Just finished and we picked up 2-4 inches of rain in less than an hour

We lucked out as it stopped from touching the overflow area by about a foot. The cement was still wet and it would not have held up to water running over it.

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