Last Updated: 19-AUG-2018
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FEB 2014
We got a new freezer and got rid of close to 100 lbs of old meat. By day it was the birds and at night the foxes and other critters.
Red Tailed Hawk - feeding and challenging each other
Turkey Vulture - Red Tailed Hawk interaction - Looks like who is in place gets to eat.
NOV 2013
Sweet potato - Crow / Vulture
OCT 2013
The ID came back as a Juvenile red-shouldered hawk
Turkey (the last we have seen of her)
SEP 2013
Orange cat out for a ride on the ATV
AUG 2013
NOV 2012
Idiot neighbor driving his truck to a remote part of my property to pick up a deer he shot. That was the end of allowing him to hunt (one of many reasons)
FEB 2012
The office had left over bagels. I wanted to see who would eat them.
JUN 2011
Interesting image artifact on the top of the bush. The fox came thru a minute later and it was gone. Its why I carry a gun when walking the property !
05-JUN - Northern Flicker that I rescued from a neighbors cat. I released it and it seemed ok.
NOV 2010
Cow problem again !
OCT 2010
Harvest time
JUN 2010
Trespassers are back !
MAY 2010
Plow time Farmer that leases this property is using the big stuff.
Same farmer does not know how to maintain fences.
Farmer looking like a troll.
Tresspassers !
APR 2009
Tilling time (for corn)
FEB 2009
Spreading lime in the fields
The natural fertilizer arrives
FEB 2008
More Birds (These two game cams are over 1,000 feet away from each other.(Time off on the game cams)
DEC 2007
Crows eating the crabapples on the the ground. Some of the photos were taken in midflight.
Ken out on patrol
NOV 2007
Over the past few weeks we have been seeing this male common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), around the property. We figure because of the CREP fields he has found a new place to live. Or, the PA Game Commission dropped him off. Since he allows us to get so close I figure he won't last long. UPDATE: Mid December he had a girlfriend... But, as of 30-DEC we have not see them around.
JUL 2007
This part of our property has a hawk nest every year.