Last Updated: 23-DEC-2018
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NOV 2014
Very healthy looking
OCT 2014
Another buck checking out the camera. The does seem to ignore it.
Checking out the camera
The small pond I made a few years ago is heavily visited
Checking out the camera
FEB 2014
Mid-February and still has an antler
NOV 2013
Still checking out the apples
OCT 2013
Checking out the apples
SEP 2013
Noticing the red glow of the camera
These two photos are interesting. As he looked into the closer game camera the one 20 feet away also took a photo
Noticing the red glow of the IR camera and challenging it.
NOV 2012
OCT 2012
Some of the big guys! (the one with the bad leg I never saw again)
Nice 10 point
JUL 2012
In velvet
Checking out the camera
JUN 2012
In velvet
OCT 2010
10 point
New Bushnell Trophy Cam - 5 mega pixel - IR game came. A few nights in and I see the bigguest deer yet ! A 10 point. This is on the west side of the property.
JUN 2007
I was sitting waiting for a ground hog to pop up so I could shoot it and I was watching a doe walking thru the brush. She kept on watching somthing low. Well, I ran after her and as I figured she had a fawn. I was right as she did. I easily caught it, ran it up to the house to take a few photos and then let it go in the same spot. The mother was waiting in the area so they were back together within a minute or so. The alarm call that the fawn made was very loud.
This was the doe that had the above fawn.