Last Updated: 19-AUG-2018
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NOV 2014
FEB 2014
We got a new freezer and got rid of close to 100 lbs of old meat. By day it was the birds and at night the foxes and other critters.
Coyote - From a friends property appx. 1.8 miles (2.9km) away. We hear them around here but have yet seen one
JAN 2014
The usual gray fox - possum interaction
DEC 2013
The usual gray fox – possum interaction
NOV 2013
Old donuts from work were quickly eaten
Looks like a bit of playing / fighting going on.
Opossum walking near the gray fox
Eating with a Opossum. Interesting as I figured they would not do this.
Red fox. Notice the black on the legs and the pointy face
OCT 2013
Noticed a gray fox down on the driveway eating Bradford pear fruits. As I approached he/she actually came closer to me.
Gray Foxes
Two gray foxes eating grapes
Cool daytime shots of a gray fox (House getting a new metal roof)
SEP 2013
Caught a possum in a cage that was out for a groundhog. Let him/her go.
A very fat groundhog with corn (This hog has no neck !)
Gray foxes, The cat for scale, skunks and a racoon
Gray fox has caught something
AUG 2013
Gray Fox taking something from the garden
SEP 2012
Had a ground hog digging under the barn. Trapped him
Placed the carcass out in the field. Discovered, moved and carried off by a red fox in less than 3 minutes. (photo quality poor)
NOV 2011
Red fox peeing on the food we place out
OCT 2011
More red fox
JUN 2011
Interesting image artifact on the top of the bush. The fox came thru a minute later and it was gone. Its why I carry a gun when walking the property !
MAR 2011
Red Fox
NOV 2010
Bad night for the bunny!
Healthy fox
OCT 2010
Skunk. 2010 has been the year of the skunk ! I see them every day !
SEP 2010
Red Fox
APR 2010
Fox and Possum. The way the fox ran away I assume the Possum won !
JAN 2010
Our first Gray Fox. (#2 cat photo to compare size. These foxes can climb as good as a cat)
Gray Gox
18-SEP - Fox
JUL 2009
Racoon checking out the camera
MAY 2009
Possum with an apple
JAN 2009
Fox marking the corn
Racoon on alert
Another view of the skunk
First skunk with the cam (By smell I knew we had them) He/She is going for the cat food.
DEC 2008
Mr. Fox
JUN 2008
And now we have the entire family learning how to break in !
I had figured that I got the trouble causer. But, the next night I have another adult trying to break in.
Started trapping and got me a coon. In the morning the #2 cat checks out the new prisoner.
MAY 2008
We lost one of our hens. I figured it was a fox. Ended up being a raccoon.
FEB 2008
Another mid winter groundhog
Groundhog at night in the winter. Perhaps I am using too many chemicals ??? Could be Phil coming back from Punxsutawney ?
JAN 2008
Where is my food ??
Possum and Fox sharing cat food. The second photo is 1 minute later so the fox backed off.
Raccoon and Fox
Fox enjoying cat food.
DEC 2007
We have had this cat visiting for the last few years. We call him/her patches... I am amazed that it has not gotten eaten yet
FEB 2007
Misc Critters JULY 2005
I had been putting out cheep cat food by my garage to see what I would attrct. After a few weeks I had the regulars. including some of my chickens that found out that you could get some free eats.
The entire family is enjoying the free dinner.
One night I was late in putting out the food. Its the give me look...
Was amazed when I saw these two so close. I did not think that they would get along.