Last Update: 25-AUG-2018
West Trip FALL 2000
We started in Maryland and drove out to Colorado then up to Wyoming and back. We took three and half weeks and covered appx. 7,100 miles.
The purpose of the trip was for a vacation and to check out a number of Wyoming area town for future relocation.
FEB-2013 - We look back on this trip as one of the better vacations we have ever gone on. The pace was perfect, the weather was great and we saw things that we still talk about today. We are going to repeat this trip one of these days, but I am sure in the 16+ years we won't be impressed with the changes that we will see. We know that Pinedale Wyoming because of the gas boom, is no longer the sleepy western town it was. Sad as it was the highlight of the trip. Ken
JAN-2017 - Updates to the pages to be mobile friendly
AUG-2018 - Updates to the pages to use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) extensions
All of these photos were taken with a Kodak DC280 2.1 mega pixel Digital Camera
Trip story layout